2011-06-08 by Stefan Urbanek



2011-03-28 by Stefan Urbanek

Forking Forks with Higher Order Messaging

New way of constructing streams has been implemented which uses “higher order messaging”. What does that mean? Instead of constructing the stream from nodes and connections, you “call” functions that process your data. You pretend in your script that you work with data using functions:

main.aggregate(keys = ["year"])

Executing the functions as written in a script might be be very expensive from time and memory perspective. What is in fact happening is that instead of executing the data processing functions a stream network is being constructed.


Construction is being done by using forked branches. You create an empty forked branch by forking an empty stream:

from brewery.streams import *

stream = Stream()
main = stream.fork()

Now you have fork main. Each function call on main will append new processing node to the fork and the new node will be connected to the previous node of the fork.

Fork Construction

Function names are based on node names in most of the cases. There might be custom function names for some nodes in the future, but now there is just simple rule:

  1. decamelize node name: CSVSourceNode to csv source node
  2. replace spaces with underscores: csv_source_node
  3. remove ‘node’ suffix: csv_source

Arguments to the function are the same as arguments for node constructor. If you want to do more node configuration you can access current node with node attribute of the fork:

main.node.keys = ["country"]


Run the stream as if it was constructed manually from nodes and connections:



So far you are able to construct single simple stream from a source to a target. There are plenty of situations where linear processing is not sufficient and you will need to have branches. To create another branch, you fork() a fork. For example, to attach data audit to the stream insert following code right after the node you want to audit:

# we are in main at node after which we want to have multiple branches

audit = main.fork()

# continue main.* branch here...


Here is full example how to use forking with HOM in Brewery:

# Create the stream and empty fork
stream = Stream()
main = stream.fork()

# Start adding nodes by pretending that we are processing using functions
main.csv_source("data.csv", read_header = True, encoding = "utf-8")

# Create another fork for data audit:
audit = main.fork()
audit.audit(distinct_threshold = None)
audit.value_threshold(thresholds = [ ["null_record_ratio", 0.01] ],
                        bin_names = ("ok", "fail"))

audit.node.header = u"field                            nulls     status   distinct\n" \
audit.node.format = u"{field_name:7.2%} {null_record_ratio_bin:>10} {distinct_count:>10}"

# ...and we continue in main branch
main.database_table_target(url = "postgres://localhost/sandbox", 
                            table = "data",
                            create = True,
                            replace = True,
                            add_id_key = True)

# Run the stream and pretty-print the exception
except pipes.StreamRuntimeError, e:

The constructed stream looks like this:

Fork Example Stream

2011-03-23 by Stefan Urbanek

Brew data from Scraper Wiki

New subproject sprouted in Brewery: Opendata. The new package will contain wrappers for various open data services with APIs for structured data. First wrapper is for the Scraper Wiki. There are two new classes: ScraperWikiDataSource for plain data reading and ScraperWikiSourceNode for stream processing.

Example with ScraperWikiDataSource: Copy data from Scraper Wiki source into a local database. Table will be automatically created and replaced according to data structure in the source:

from brewery.opendata import *
from brewery.ds import *

src = ScraperWikiDataSource("seznam_insolvencnich_spravcu")
target = SQLDataTarget(url = "postgres://localhost/sandbox", table = "swiki_data",
                        create = True, replace = True)
target.fields = src.fields

for row in src.rows():


Another example using streams: simple completeness audit report of source data. Fail threshold is set to 10%.

The stream looks like this:

Scraper Wiki simple example

  1. from scraper wiki feed data to data audit node
  2. based on value threshold generate new textual field that will state whether the data passed or failed completeness test (there should be no more than 10% of empty values)
  3. print formatted report

And the source code for the stream set-up is:

nodes = {
    "source": ScraperWikiSourceNode("seznam_insolvencnich_spravcu"),
    "audit": AuditNode(distinct_threshold = None),
    "threshold": ValueThresholdNode(),
    "print": FormattedPrinterNode(),

connections = [ 
                ("source", "audit"), 
                ("audit", "threshold"),
                ("threshold", "print")

nodes["print"].header = u"field                            nulls     status   distinct\n" \
nodes["print"].format = u"{field_name:<30.30} {null_record_ratio: >7.2%} {null_record_ratio_bin:>10} {distinct_count:>10}"

nodes["threshold"].thresholds = [ ["null_record_ratio", 0.10] ]
nodes["threshold"].bin_names = ("ok", "fail")

stream = Stream(nodes, connections)

except StreamRuntimeError, e:


field                            nulls     status   distinct
cp_S                             0.00%         ok         84
cp_TP                           31.00%       fail         66
datumNarozeni                   18.00%       fail         83
denPozastaveni                 100.00%       fail          1
denVzniku                        0.00%         ok         91
denZaniku                      100.00%       fail          1
dne                             99.00%       fail          2
dobaPlatnosti                  100.00%       fail          1

nazev                           82.00%       fail         19
okres_S                          5.00%         ok         38
okres_TP                        38.00%       fail         35

In this example you can see how successful you scraper is or how complete the provided data are. This simple stream helps you to fine-tune your scraping method. 

Possible use, besides during development, would be to integrate the stream into automated process to get feedback on how complete your daily/monthly processing was.

In one of the following posts I will show you how to do “join” (in SQL sense) between datasets, for example how to enrich data from Scraper Wiki with details you have stored in a CSV or another scraper.

2011-03-23 by Stefan Urbanek


Freshly brewed clean data with analytical taste – that is what Data Brewery is for. The Python framework will allow you to:

  • stream structured data from various sources (CSV, XLS, SQL database, Google spreadsheet) to various structured targets
  • create analytical streams using flow-based programming: connect processing nodes together and let the structured data flow through them
  • measure data properties, such as data quality or numerical statistics
  • do advanced data mining in the future such as clustering or classification

You can use Brewery for analytical automation or just for ad-hoc analytical processing.

Project page is at databrewery.org. Source repository can be found at:

Documentation with examples and node reference can be found here.

Happy brewing!

Brewery stream example

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